


English version is at the end of the text


Nature Index作为国际公认的、能够衡量机构、国家和地区在自然科学领域高质量研究产出与合作情况的重要指标,公布了2020年大学以及机构排名。在本次全球排名中,中国科学院再次位居榜首,哈佛大学及马克思普朗克协会紧随其后。根据此前发布的自然指数数据,中科院已连续9年位列该排行榜全球第一。自然指数创始人戴维·斯温班克斯(David Swinbanks)说:“亚太地区的科研产出增长迅速,是世界上增长最快的地区,这一趋势很大程度上是由于中国的巨大贡献。”[1]

图片引自:Nature Index官网

同时Nature Index 也列出了增长较快的机构名单,其中,中国科学院位于榜单前茅。

图片引自:Nature Index官网

中国科学院成立于1949年11月,是中国自然科学最高学术机构科学技术最高咨询机构自然科学与高技术综合研究发展中心。中科院在全国23个省级地区设有104个研究所、12个分院、3所大学和11个配套组织。这些机构拥有100多个国家重点实验室和工程中心,以及近200个中科院重点实验室和工程中心,拥有中国80%以上的大规模的科学设施。中科院主管的国家重点实验室78个,数量约占全国总数的1/3:其中,数理、地学领域超过1/2,化学、生物、信息领域超过全国1/3。[2] 本文将从国家支持,科研成果、国际合作以及研究前沿这四个方面探究中国科学院在世界上的影响力。



科技兴则民族兴,科技强则国家强。《2021年亚太地区自然指数增刊》Nature Index 2021 Asia Pacific中提到”Rising tide of China’s science lifts Asia-Pacific research. Thanks to huge investments in science, China is the region’s scientific growth engine and collaboration magnet.”[3]

R&D经费投入是衡量一个国家和地区科技活动规模与强度的重要指标。据国家统计局、科学技术部和财政部联合发布的《2020年全国科技经费投入统计公报》显示,全国共投入研究与试验发展(R&D)经费24393.1亿元,比上年增加2249.5亿元,增长10.2%,研究与试验发展(R&D)经费投入强度(与国内生产总值之比)为2.40%,比上年提高0.16个百分点。此前2016-2019 的数据来看,我国在科研经费的投入呈逐年上涨的趋势。

































中国科学院科技战略咨询研究院、中国科学院文献情报中心与科睿唯安联合向全球发布了《2020研究前沿》报告。报告基于2014年-2019年的论文数据,分析反映了当前农业科学、植物学和动物学、生态与环境科学、地球科学、临床医学、生物科学、化学与材料科学、物理学、天文学与天体物理学、数学、信息科学、经济学、心理学及其他社会科学等11大学科领域的148个研究前沿。《2020研究前沿》报告通过客观的数据与科学的分析,揭示了科学研究的脉络,深入解读了科技创新的趋势。[6] 本文在这里列举了不同学科的世界前沿热点,以供大家学习和参考。











经济学、心理学及其他社会科学Top10热点前沿中,有4 个热点前沿与数字经济和智能化社会相关,有3个热点前沿与资源和环境问题相关,有1个热点前沿与心理学问题相关。该领域中,共有3个新兴前沿,分别为“区域可再生能源与经济发展”、“养育方式和短期/长期社会化结果”和“人工智能对区块链智慧合约的推动在供应链管理和智慧城市中的应用”。






[1] Nature Index官网.

[2] 中国科学院官网.

[3] Nature官网.

[4] 中央人民政府.

[5] 中国科学院

[6] 中国科学院科技战略咨询研究院

English Version

In-Depth Research Series | Research Report on World Influence of Chinese Academy of Sciences

Editor’s Notes: The in-depth research series are initiated by KingLead Research Institute. We aim to study the law and inspire practice.

Nature Index is an internationally recognized important indicator that can measure thehigh-quality research outputandcooperation of institutions,countries and regions in the field of natural sciences. It announced the ranking of universities and institutions in 2020. In this global ranking,the Chinese Academy of Sciencesonce againtopped the list, followed by Harvard University and the Max Planck Society. According to the previously released natural index data, the Chinese Academy of Sciences has ranked first in the world for9 consecutive years. David Swinbanks, the founder of the Nature Index, said: “The Asia-Pacific region has seen rapid growth in scientific research output and is the fastest-growing region in the world. This trend is largely due to China’s huge contribution.” [1]

Source: Nature Index

At the same time, the Nature Index also shows the Chinese Academy of Sciences at the top of the list among the fastest-growing institutions.

Founded in November 1949,the Chinese Academy of Sciencesis thehighest academic institutionfornatural sciences,the highest consulting institution for science and technology, anda comprehensive research and development center for natural sciences and high technology. The Chinese Academy of Sciences has 104 research institutes, 12 branches, 3 universities, and 11 supporting organizations in 23 provincial regions across the country. These institutions have more than 100 national key laboratories and engineering centers, as well as nearly 200 key laboratories and engineering centers of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and own more than 80% of China’s large-scale scientific facilities. There are78national key laboratories under the charge of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, accounting for about one-third of the country’s in total. Among them, the fields of mathematics and geosciences exceed one-half, and the fields of chemistry, biology and information exceed one-third of the country.[2] In this article, we will explore the global influence of the Chinese Academy of Sciences from four aspects: national support, scientific research results, international cooperation and research frontiers.


National Support

Science and technology thrive, the nation will thrive. Nature Index 2021 Asia Pacific mentioned that Rising tide of China’s science lifts Asia-Pacific research. Thanks to huge investments in science, China is the region’s scientific growth engine and collaboration magnet.[3]

R&D investment is an essential indicator to measure the scale and intensity of scientific and technological activities in a country and region. According to the National Bureau of Statistics, the Ministry of Science and Technology, and the Ministry of Finance jointly issued the “Statistical Communiqué on National Science and Technology Expenditures in 2020”, a total of 243.931 billion yuan was invested in research and experimental development (R&D) across the country, an increase of 224.95 billion yuan over the previous year, an increase of 10.2 %, the investment intensity of research and experimental development (R&D) (ratio to GDP) was 2.40%, an increase of 0.16 percentage points from the previous year. Based on the previous 2016-2019 data, China’s investment in scientific research funds is showing an upward trend year by year.

Source: National Bureau of Statistics

From an international perspective, China’s R&D funding is also advancing steadily. In 2020, the investment intensity (ratio of R&D expenditure to GDP) was 2.40%, and the increase rate hit a new high since 2010. From 2016 to 2019, the average annual net increase in R&D expenditure in China exceeded 200 billion yuan, which is about 60% of the total annual increase in the G7 countries. It has become the main force driving the growth of global R&D expenditure. From 2016 to 2019, China’s R&D expenditure increased by an average annual rate of 11.8%, which was much faster than the United States (7.3%), Japan (0.7%) and other technological powerhouses. Among the major economies in the world, China’s R&D investment intensity has risen from 16th place in the world in 2016 to 12th place.[4]


The world front scientific research of the Chinese Academy of Sciences

The lack of funds and backward equipment in the early stage restricted the development of Chinese research institutions. With the rapid economic development, China’s scientific research level continues to improve. In this article, we list the major achievements in the world the Chinese Academy of Sciences has developed in recent decades.

Synthetic biology research

After China’s first artificial synthesis of bovine insulin in the world (won the first prize of the National Natural Science Award), a joint research team composed of Shanghai Institute of Biochemistry, Shanghai Institute of Cells, Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, Institute of Biophysics and related units outside the hospital lasted 13 years in this program. For the first time in the world, a complete molecule of yeast alanine transfer ribonucleic acid containing 76 nucleotides was artificially synthesized.

The Center for Excellence in Molecular Plant Science uses synthetic biology “engineering” methods and high-efficiency enabling technologies, using single-cell eukaryotic Saccharomyces cerevisiae (naturally containing 16 linear chromosomes) as research materials, and for the first time in the world artificially created only A eukaryotic cell containing a single chromosome. After the artificial synthesis of bovine insulin and yeast alanine transfer ribonucleic acid, Chinese scientists once again used synthetic science strategies to answer major basic questions in the field of life sciences, which will deepen human understanding of the essence of life.

Research on high-temperature superconductors

The University of Science and Technology of China and the Institute of Physics in the field of iron-based superconductor research have successively broken through the McMillan limit temperature for the first time in the world and created a superconductor critical temperature record of 55K. The iron-based superconductor is determined to be a new type of high-temperature superconductor, and important achievements have been made in the study of physical properties, which have potential application value. The Chinese Academy of Sciences has made pioneering and pioneering contributions in the only two breakthroughs in high-temperature superconductivity research in the world, played a leading role in many aspects in this field, and continued to promote international high-temperature superconductivity research.

Innovation in Nano-science and-technology

Dalian Chemical Institute prepared Pt/FeOx single-atom catalyst for the first time in the world and proposed a new concept of single-atom catalysis, which was selected as one of the top ten scientific research achievements of the American Chemical Society in 2016. The National Nano Center used AFM technology to achieve direct imaging of intermolecular hydrogen bonds for the first time in the world, providing the first intuitive evidence for the “hydrogen bond nature” that has been debated for more than 80 years in the chemical industry. Based on the new concept of nano-restricted catalysis, it pioneered the anaerobic production of olefins and aromatics from methane, realizing one-step high-efficiency conversion. Based on long-term basic research, the Institute of Chemistry has developed a complete industry chain technology for nano-green printing and built the world’s first demonstration line of sand-free nano-green printing plates.

Genome research

The Institute of Genetic Development participated in the China Super Hybrid Rice Genome Project, and was the first to complete the drawing of the rice (Indica) genetic work framework map, and released the database for free, and completed the world’s first crop-wide genome-wide detailed map-the indica genome sequence detailed map Draw and successfully developed the world’s first gene chip covering the entire rice genome, laying the foundation for maintaining my country’s international leadership in the field of hybrid rice breeding.

Space science experiment series satellites

China is currently at the forefront of the world in quantum key communication. The Chinese Academy of Sciences successfully launched the world’s first quantum communication scientific experimental satellite “Mozi”, which achieved the first thousand-kilometer-level satellite-to-ground two-way quantum key transmission and quantum teleportation in the world, and successfully realized intercontinental quantum key confidential communication. A solid foundation has been laid for the construction of a quantum key secret communication network covering the world. The “Beijing-Shanghai trunk line” quantum key communication backbone network led by the Chinese Academy of Sciences is the world’s first quantum key communication security trunk line, marking that China has constructed the world’s prototype of a world-earth integrated wide-area quantum key communication network.

The Chinese Academy of Sciences successfully developed and launched the “Wukong” Dark Matter Particle Explorer, which is equipped with the world’s highest resolution and lowest background space high-energy particle telescope, which is 10 times higher than the ceiling of the observation energy of the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer and the Fermi Space Telescope. At present, Wukong has been in service for 5 years and has obtained the highest precision electron cosmic ray detection results in the world.

A series of large-scale astronomical observation facilities

The Large Sky Area Multi-Object Optical Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope (LAMOST) is located at the Xinglong Observatory of the National Astronomical Observatory. It is an optical telescope with a large aperture and a large field of view. Its spectrum acquisition rate is the highest in the world. The astronomical spectrum released by LAMOST has become the world’s astronomical database with the most complete sky coverage, the largest survey volume and sampling density, the best statistical consistency, and the largest number of samples in the world. The 500-meter spherical radio telescope (FAST) built and operated by the Chinese Academy of Sciences-“China Sky Eye” is currently the world’s largest single-aperture and most sensitive radio telescope. Its sensitivity is 2.5 times that of the second-ranked single-aperture radio telescope, leading the world. status. The millisecond pulsar discovered for the first time received international certification in April 2018, opening a new era for the Chinese radio telescope system to discover pulsars.

Optical quantum computing prototype

The University of Science and Technology of China cooperated with the Shanghai Institute of Microsystems of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the National Parallel Computer Engineering Technology Research Center to build a 76-photon quantum computing prototype “Nine Chapters”, which realized the rapid solution of the “Gaussian Bose sampling” task with practical prospects. It is one trillion times faster than the fastest supercomputer.

Deep ocean expedition

In 2021, Haidou Autonomous and Remotely-operated Vehicle developed under the auspices of the Shenyang Automation Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences has achieved world-class results. “Large-range and full-coverage acoustic cruise detection in the western depression. Its successful application indicates that China’s full-sea deep unmanned submersible has officially entered a new stage of the application of Wanmi scientific research, filling the current international application of Wanmi deep unmanned submersibles.


International Cooperation

In addition to the above-mentioned achievements of China’s independent research and development, international cooperation is also becoming more and more important, and this trend is irreversible. The Chinese Academy of Sciences highly emphasizes international cooperation. It has extensive and diversified cooperation and partnerships with scientists from all over the world. For example, the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the German Max Planck Society (MPG) have established 20 collaborative groups in the fields of astronomy, life sciences, and materials science, and also established the CAS-MPG Computational Biology Partnership Institute. In addition, the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the French Pasteur Association jointly established the Shanghai Pasteur Association.

Scientists from the Chinese Academy of Sciences have also initiated international scientific programs, such as the Third Pole Environment Program, the Northwest Pacific Circulation and Climate Experiment (NPOCCE), and the International Meridian Space Weather Project. In addition, Chinese Academy of Sciences researchers have also actively participated in global scientific programs, such as the Human Genome Project (HGP) and the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) program, as well as various international climate change programs, including IGBP, IHDP, WCRP and DIVERSITAS.

In particular, China has participated in international cooperation in biodiversity conservation for decades. China actively protects biodiversity and attaches importance to strengthening international cooperation, attracting scientists from many countries around the world. In 2021, the Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden of the Chinese Academy of Sciences continued to promote the “Zero Extinction Plan” for plant species in tropical regions of China. Through the investigation and evaluation of the status quo of endangered plants in the region, 30 new species were discovered, which is to formulate effective full coverage protection of native plants. The plan provides a theoretical basis. With his efforts and promotion, the Comprehensive Conservation Center of the Banna Botanical Garden has become an important team in the study of biodiversity conservation in the Greater Mekong Subregion, further enhancing the influence of China’s tropical biodiversity conservation research in the world. British researcher Gao Lixing said: “Now, China has strong global competitiveness and continues to contribute Chinese wisdom and Chinese solutions to the promotion of global biodiversity governance.”[5]

Since 2009, the Chinese Academy of Sciences has implemented a number of international talent programs, such as the Chinese Academy of Sciences Senior International Scientist Scholarship Program and the Chinese Academy of Sciences Young International Scientist Scholarship Program. Through these two projects alone, the Chinese Academy of Sciences has attracted more than 1,000 foreign scientists to the Chinese Academy of Sciences for research.

The Chinese Academy of Sciences also attaches great importance to promoting scientific and technological progress in developing countries. Through the Chinese Academy of Sciences and TWAS fellowships launched in 2004, the Chinese Academy of Sciences invites about 50 scientists from developing countries to study and conduct research at the Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences every year. It is planned to launch a doctoral training program for developing countries in 2013, with an annual enrollment of no less than 150 students.


Forefronts of Science Research

The Institutes of Science and Development, National Science Library of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Clarivate Analytics jointly released the “Research Fronts 2020” report to the world. The report is based on the paper data from 2014 to 2019, and the analysis reflects 148 research fronts in 11 disciplines including the current agricultural sciences, botany and zoology, ecology and environmental sciences, earth sciences, clinical medicine, biological sciences, chemistry and materials sciences, physics, astronomy and astrophysics, science, mathematics, information science, economics, psychology and other social sciences. The “Research Fronts 2020” report reveals the context of scientific research through objective data and scientific analysis, and provides an in-depth interpretation of the trend of technological innovation.

The Top 10 topical issues ofagricultural science,botanyandzoologyare mainly in six sub-fields: food science and engineering, animal infectious diseases, plant physiology, crop science, medicinal plants, and animal nutrition. Among them, food science and engineering has the most hot issues, namely, food processing methods, fruit and vegetable drying processing, and food intelligent packaging research.

The Top 10 topical issues ofecology and environmental sciencesare mainly in two sub-fields of ecological science and environmental science. The ecological science sub-field involves species invasion, forest ecology and ecological model directions; The environmental science sub-field involves research on the principles and technologies of sewage treatment, air pollution, and environmental characteristics and risks of environmental pollutants.

The top 10 topical issues inearth sciencesare mainly in the three sub-fields of geology, marine science, and climate change. Among them, seven of them belong to geology-related research, including the study of seismic activity caused by fluid injection, and the use of Curiosity to conduct rock and mineralogical research on Gale Crater. In this category, “Indonesia volcanic eruption prediction model research” is an emerging frontier.

The Top 10 topical issues inclinical medicineare mainly in the fields of tumor immunity and targeted therapy, new targeted drugs to treat common chronic diseases, early diagnosis of neurodegenerative diseases, medical artificial intelligence, standardized use of biosimilar drugs, and organ transplantation. In this category, there are 14 emerging frontiers, which mainly involve four areas: cancer prevention and treatment, the relationship between intestinal microbes and diseases, oral peptide drugs for diabetes treatment, and hepatitis B positive donor organ transplantation management.

The Top 10 topical issues ofbiological sciencesare mainly in the directions of nervous system diseases, intestinal microbes and human diseases, drug-resistant bacteria, depression, tumor-related basic research, targeted protein degradation, carbonic anhydrase inhibitors, etc. In this category, there are nine emerging frontiers, the main research topics include neurological diseases, tumor-related basic research, intestinal microbes, depression, gene editing technology and other related research.

The Top 10 topical issues inchemistry and materials scienceare mainly in organic synthesis, optical materials, gas separation and purification, energy storage materials, battery materials, and two-dimensional materials. In this category, there are six emerging frontiers, mainly related to the preparation and application of catalysts, batteries, nano-biomaterials, biodegradable materials, chemical processes and wastewater treatment.

The top 10 topical issues inphysicsare mainly in condensed matter physics, high energy physics, quantum physics, theoretical physics, optics and other fields. In this category, there are two emerging frontiers, one focusing on theoretical physics, namely “the study of spontaneous scalar black holes under Gauss-Bonnet gravity”, and one focusing on condensed matter physics, namely “two-dimensional van der Waals heterojunction”. Research on the Mohr Superlattice”.

The Top 10 topical issues ofastronomy and astrophysicsmainly focus on the major scientific issues of “one black, two dark three origins”. Among them, four hot issues involve gravitational wave observation and theoretical research, as well as related research on the properties of black holes and neutron stars. In this field, “string theory’s ‘swamp’ conjecture and cosmology” is an emerging frontier.

The top 10 topical issues inmathematicsare mainly in the optimal estimation method of the sample mean, the singular state research in the neural network, the research on the properties and solutions of partial differential equations, the multi-layer Bayesian modeling, the research on the properties and applications of high-dimensional models, and the probabilistic Boolean network Research on optimization control, variational inequality problems, iterative algorithms for fixed point problems and other fields.

The Top 10 topical issues ofinformation scienceare mainly in deep learning and reinforcement learning, mobile edge computing, drone communications, image processing, and long-distance continuous variable quantum key distribution.

Among the Top 10 topical issues ineconomics, psychology and other social sciences, the four issues are related to the digital economy and intelligent society, the three issues are related to resource and environmental issues, and one is related to psychological issues. In this field, there are three emerging frontiers, namely “Regional Renewable Energy and Economic Development”, “Nursing Methods and Short-term/Long-term Socialization Results”, and “Artificial Intelligence’s Promotion of Blockchain Smart Contracts in Supply Chain Management and Application in Smart City”.



This article explores the expanding international influence of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in four aspects: national support, scientific research results, international cooperation, and research frontiers. As the highest academic institution of natural sciences in China, the Chinese Academy of Sciences has produced world-leading scientific achievements with the encouragement and support of the state, and actively participates in international projects to provide technical support. Science and technology are cosmopolitan and epochal. The development of science and technology must have a global vision. The Chinese Academy of Sciences is tackling the scientific and technological problems, and at the same time vigorously cultivating talents that meet the requirements of innovation and development.



[1] Nature Index官网.

[2] 中国科学院官网.

[3] Nature官网.

[4] 中央人民政府.

[5] 中国科学院

[6] 中国科学院科技战略咨询研究院





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