考研 英语怎么说(参加考研英语怎么说)

考研 英语怎么说,参加考研英语怎么说







Instead of engineering shortened lifespans and releasing new products so rapidly, tech groups must improve the quality andlongevityof their devices withoutdenting their commercial success. Governments can help by subsidising producers with longer device lifespans, and by improving access to spare parts with expanded legislation like the right-to-repair. If consumers are armed with the ability to choose devices that last longer and repair those which are broken, their purchasing habits will push the world towards a more sustainable future. But for now, e-waste remain a significant obstacle toreconciling innovation and sustainability. Manufacturers need to make their products last longer.




1. Longevity:

基本释义:Longevity is long life, or the fact of lasting a long time. 长寿;寿命;持久


Athena, America’s largest boutique lender, requires art worth about $2m to secure its minimum loan of $1m. At Bank of America and other private banks, the minimum loan is closer to $5m. Both accept only works by well-known artists as collateral, since they are the only ones with reliable longevity. Thus art-secured loans are less risky than many believe, says Arturo Cifuentes of Columbia Business School.



单词longevity里面的ev部分,来自拉丁语aevum, 意思是“时间;年龄”。所以,在英语里包含ev的单词,多与此相关:

primeval adj. 原始的;初期的

medieval adj. 中世纪的;原始的

coeval adj. 同时代的


seniority: The fact of being older or of a higher rank than others.(年长)

lifespan: The lifespan of a person, animal, or plant is the period of time for which they live or are normally expected to live.(寿命)

2. dent

基本释义: 使产生凹痕;损害,削弱

外刊例句:One advantage is that composite-based planes use significantly less fuel. But there’s an important disadvantage. When aluminum is hit, you can see a dent. Composites, though, spring back to the original shape, which could hide internal damage.





dental /ˈdentəl/ adj. 牙科的,牙齿的

dentist /ˈdentɪst/ n. 牙科医生

denture /ˈdentʃər/ n. 假牙



I didn’t think anything of it…until other people started making the same mistake. It reminded me of a college job I had parking cars. One day, I had to park an Aston Martin. I’ll never forget the looks I got driving that baby down the block. I wasn’t gonna dent this one.


3. reconcile: 恢复友好关系


Reconcile 一词源自拉丁语 reconcilare (使在一起、重新获得、争取过来、安抚和解),14世纪中期进入英语后便开始用来形容人“使和解、使和好如初”,也就是在疏远、争论或分歧之后恢复团结和友谊,常用被动语态并搭配 reconcile sb with sb ,


He has recently been reconciled with his wife. Yesterday he lavished his wife with kisses without demur.

双方的和解往往意味着两人或其中一人作出妥协,等到了14世纪末, reconcile 就被用来表示“将就、妥协”或“使甘心、使顺从、使安心”,常用搭配 reconcile oneself to sth ,同 resign oneself to sth ,多指因无法改变而在自己不喜欢的情况下接受某个不快的局面或事实,暗含顺从和屈服之意,


She must reconcile herself to the fact that she must do some rote learning if she wants to pass her exams.

而到了16世纪50年代后, reconcile 又进一步从和解不相容的人发展到和解不相容的事物,也就是“调和、调解、协调、使和谐一致”,多指寻找一种可接受的方式来处理两个或两个以上似乎相互对立的想法、需求、信仰、情况等,使之一致并能够共存,常用搭配 reconcile sth with sth,


The strident feminist found that it was hard to reconcile her career ambitions with the needs of her children.

此外,用在宗教领域时 reconcile 还可以指“使被革出教会者或悔罪者复归教会”或经特定仪式“使遭亵渎的教堂等恢复洁净”。


E.g. I cannot be so easily reconciled to myself. 我心里实在过意不去。

出自19世纪英国小说家简·奥斯丁(Jane Austen)的代表作《傲慢与偏见》(Pride and Prejudice)。

E.g. Time and again, the mothers strive to remind their daughters of their history and heritage. Meanwhile, their daughters struggle to reconcile their mothers’ perception of them with who they really are. 母亲们再三提醒她们的女儿要追宗念祖,不能忘本,与此同时,作为现代美国女性,当女儿的,确实很难接受母亲的那一套。

《喜福会》- 美籍华人女性的故事



Instead of engineering shortened lifespans and releasing new products so rapidly, tech groups must improve the quality and longevity of their devices without denting their commercial success.


介词短语:instead of…

主语:tech groups

谓语:must improve

宾语:the quality and longevity of their devices

补语:without denting their commercial success


主题句:Manufacturers need to make their products last longer.




Instead of engineering shortened lifespans and releasing new products so rapidly, tech groups must improve the quality and longevity of their devices without denting their commercial success. Governments can help by subsidising producers with longer device lifespans, and by improving access to spare parts with expanded legislation like the right-to-repair. If consumers are armed with the ability to choose devices that last longer and repair those which are broken, their purchasing habits will push the world towards a more sustainable future. But for now, e-waste remain a significant obstacle to reconciling innovation and sustainability. Manufacturers need to make their products last longer.



Reading Questions:

1. What can governments do to help manufacturers create products with longer lifespans?

2. How will consumers be able to influence the sustainability of tech products?

3. What is the current issue preventing innovation and sustainability from being reconciled?

4. 跟读+模仿(这是学习英语口语最好的方法),群提交语音作品



A: Governments can help by subsidizing producers with longer device lifespans, and by improving access to spare parts with expanded legislation like the right-to-repair.


A: If consumers are armed with the ability to choose devices that last longer and repair those which are broken, their purchasing habits will push the world towards a more sustainable future.


A: E-waste remains a significant obstacle to reconciling innovation and sustainability.


考研 英语怎么说(参加考研英语怎么说)

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