



1. 拘留中心 2. 立法机关 3. 非盈利性组织 4. 无记名投票


Tuesday, November 8 is Election Day in the United States. This year, American voters will be taking part in what is known as midterm elections. The elections are called this because they happen nearly two years – or about the middle point – into the term of the U.S. president. Members of the U.S. House of Representatives are elected every two years. So in the midterms, all 435 House seats are decided. In addition, every two years one third of U.S. Senate members are either elected or leave their seats at the end of the term.

American voters will also be choosing governors, state lawmakers and local officials. The election results will decide which party controls Congress, as well as state offices and legislatures. In order to vote in federal and state elections, a person must be a U.S. citizen and be at least 18 years of age. The person also has to meet the state residency requirements. In every state except North Dakota, people must also register to become voters.

This year, more than 80 million Americans will have the chance to vote in a language other than English. That is because U.S. federal law guarantees that certain groups of people can receive language assistance in the voting process. Gabe Osterhout is a researcher at the Idaho Policy Institute at Boise State University. He said, “The idea was to take groups that were historically exclu:ded from the electoral process, and the mission was to make it more accessible for some of those groups.”

The Voting Rights Act of 1965 was signed into law to protect the right to vote for African Americans mainly in the South. The act was expanded in 1975 to include certain language minorities. These included Native Americans, Alaska Natives, Latinos and Asian Americans.

Jim Tucker is a lawyer with the Voting Rights Project at the nonprofit Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law. He noted that for citizens with limited knowledge of English, voting information can be “a barrier to the ability to participate.” Every five years, the U.S. Census Bureau chooses which minority language groups will receive help with information in their native language. That decision is based on whether more than 5 percent of eligible voters in an area speak limited English, or if there are more than 10,000 eligible voters in an area with limited English ability.

Local elections officials are then required to offer voting materials, including ballots, in that second language. In December 2021, the U.S. Census identified 331 areas that meet the requirements ahead of the 2022 midterm elections. Most of the covered areas, called jurisdictions, are in three states, California, Florida and Texas. Those states must provide Spanish-language voting materials in every statewide election.

Registration and voting data from November 1996 and 2000 found evidence that the addition of a second language has “positive effects on the voting rates of covered linguistic minorities.” The research was carried out by professors Michael Jones-Correa and Israel Waismel-Manor. It found that voter turnout among Latinos was 11 percent higher in areas covered by the language requirements than in those that did not provide materials and assistance in Spanish.

The professors also found that voter registration among Latinos was 15 percent higher in areas that provided language assistance than those that did not. Tucker observed large participation increases in all four groups covered under the language requirements. These include American Indians, Alaska Natives, Latino or Spanish-speaking voters, and Asian Americans who speak Asian languages since 1975. The Voting Rights Act was supposed to end by 1970, but it has been extended five times.The last extension, for 25 years, came in 2006.




Tuesday, November 8 isElection Dayin the United States. This year, Americanvoterswill be taking part in what is known asmidterm elections. The elections are called this because they happen nearly two years – or about the middle point – into the term of the U.S. president. Members ofthe U.S. House of Representativesare elected every two years. So in the midterms, all 435 House seats are decided. In addition, every two years one third of U.S.Senatemembers are either elected or leave their seats at the end of the term.

1.Election Day选举日,美国的选举日是法定的普选公职官员的日子,通常发生在十一月第一个周一后的周二。

2.voter n.选举人;投票人

3.midterm election:A midterm election refers to a type of election where the people can elect their representatives in the middle of the term of the executive or of another set of members.

3.the U.S. House of Representatives美国的众议院议员

4.Senate n.参议院





American voters will also be choosing governors, state lawmakers and local officials. The election results will decide which party controls Congress, as well as state offices andlegislatures. In order to vote in federal and state elections, a person must be a U.S. citizen and be at least 18 years of age. The person also has tomeetthe stateresidencyrequirements. In every state except North Dakota, people must alsoregisterto become voters.

1.legislature:a group of people who have the power to make and change laws立法机关

2.meet v.符合;满足

3.residency n.居住, resident 表示居民

4.register vt.注册




This year, more than 80 million Americans will have the chance to vote in a languageother thanEnglish. That is because U.S. federal law guarantees that certain groups of people can receive language assistance in the voting process. Gabe Osterhout is a researcher at the Idaho Policy Institute at Boise State University. He said, “The idea was to take groups that were historically excluded from the electoral process, and themissionwas to make it moreaccessiblefor some of those groups.”

1.other than:different from

2.mission: n.使命;任务, 曾经有个电影Mission Impossible碟中谍

3.accessible:a. 易到达的 ,易进入的,易够到的;易使用的,易得到的




TheVoting Rights Actof 1965 was signed into law to protect the right to vote for African Americans mainly in the South. The act was expanded in 1975 to include certain languageminorities.These included Native Americans, Alaska Natives, Latinos and Asian Americans.

1.Voting Rights Act: 投票权法案(美国专为保证黑人等少数民族选举权的法案)


3.minority:n.a small group of people or things within a much larger group 少数;少数群体反义词majority

词汇记忆方法:ity是名词后缀,那minor和major 分别加上ity表示名词。




Jim Tucker is a lawyer with the Voting Rights Project at thenonprofitLawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law. He noted that for citizens withlimited knowledge of English, voting information can be “a barrier to the ability to participate.” Every five years, theU.S. Census Bureauchooses which minority language groups will receive help with information in their native language. That decision is based on whether more than 5 percent ofeligiblevoters in an area speak limited English, or if there are more than 10,000 eligible voters in an area with limited English ability.

1.nonprofit: 非营利的, e.g. an independent non-profit organization 独立的非营利机构

2.limited knowledge of English: 有限的知识

3.U.S. Census Bureau:美国人口普查局

4.eligible:合格的, 有资格当选的




Local elections officials are then required to offer voting materials, includingballots, in that second language. In December 2021, the U.S. Census identified 331 areas that meet the requirements ahead of the 2022 midterm elections. Most of the covered areas, calledjurisdictions,are in three states, California, Florida and Texas. Those states must provide Spanish-language voting materials in every statewide election.

1.ballot:无记名投票 e.g. The union cannot call a strike unless it holds a ballot of members. 工会未经会员投票表决不得发动罢工。





Registration and voting data from November 1996 and 2000found evidence thatthe addition of a second language has “positive effects on the voting rates of covered linguistic minorities.” The research was carried out by professors Michael Jones-Correa and Israel Waismel-Manor. It found that voterturnoutamongLatinoswas 11 percent higher in areas covered by the language requirements than in those that did not provide materials and assistance in Spanish.

1. …found evidence that: 句型仿写 In a twelve-year program of work, they have found evidence that ants can transmit very complex messages. 在一项长达12年的研究中,他们发现了蚂蚁可以传递非常复杂信息的证据。

2.turnout: [singular] the number of people who vote in an election (选举的)投票人数,投票率;the number of people who go to a party, meeting or other organized event 出席人数,到场人数,参加人数

3.Latino: A Latin American living in the United States (生活在美国的)拉丁美洲人




The professors also found that voter registration among Latinos was 15 percent higher in areas that provided language assistance than those that did not. Tucker observed largeparticipationincreases in all four groups covered under the language requirements. These include American Indians, Alaska Natives, Latino or Spanish-speaking voters, and Asian Americans who speak Asian languages since 1975. The Voting Rights Act was supposed to end by 1970, but it has beenextended five times. The lastextension, for 25 years, came in 2006.

1.participation: the act of taking part in an activity or event参加;参与,动词:participate

2.extend: to make sth longer or larger使伸长。名词extension




Reading Questions:

1. When was the Election Day in the United States this year?

2. Which state does not require people to register to become voters?

3. When was the Voting Rights Act signed into law?

4. How many times has the Voting Rights Act been extended?



November 8.


North Dakota.



Five times



1. 中期选举 midterm election 2. 立法机关 legislature 3. 非盈利性组织 non-profit organization 4. 无记名投票 ballot






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